Cuba Region

The incident, one more between both Presidents, came after Uribe appeal Summit serve as a stage to resolve bilateral problems and compare the freezing of trade relations with Colombia decided by Chavez in 2009 with the lock that keeps United States about Cuba. All this was happening while the heads…

Data Recovery

Due to the relative cheapness of the devices for recording, CDs discs gave a new status: a “big floppy”. Increased sales volume has led to the fact that each manufacturer seeks to make more rapid and versatile device. But few people think that these media (CD or dvd drives) can…

My Findings Of IPAD

Yesterday finally released the long awaited Apple IPAD (at least I was waiting for him) and many were the reactions of fans and detractors. Live blogging the event passed without stopping, the movement in Twitter with comments about what was happening and every move by Jobs, made the theme of…

Flash Media

Recently to our company for data recovery are increasingly began to bring a variety of flash drives are made under the brand name Sony. It all started with what one friend called and invited to test the usb flash a Sony 8 gb. He The quantity of these drives at…

Discovering Russia

Russia is synonymous of magic and mystery. Its long nights, its engalanados palaces, and their long relegamiento behind curtain transmutes it to the iron in a tourist destiny of suggestive enchantment. Moscow, Saint Petersburg, the frosts Siberian steppes or the calm Baikal lake guarantee unforgettable memories of an Earth demurrage…