Gudrun Tadepalli

A customer changed in the short term the equipment of a borehole mouth and hence many pipelines. With MPDS4 we conduct concept testing and complete construction days in 2-3,”explains Martin Tompkins. Through the automatic collision check us to avoid careless mistakes and thus costly surprises on the spot.” Requirements and…

Exhibition Centre

For the DMS – / ECM Vendor based in Ostfildern, near the Exhibition Centre, Stuttgart, offers the DMS Expo an Exchange and information platform for interested parties from the region as well as throughout the German-speaking area. Peter Asaro describes an additional similar source. Three technology and sales partners take…

Production Best Practices

Often heard about the necessary process landscape is unclear the production management today to the uncontradicted evidence, potentials to tangible and sustainable increase of efficiency in production management in the processes can be found. Their importance was not always in the focus of attention in the past, to the company…

Federal Data Protection Act

Customer data is absolutely unthinkable for the management of Edward Snowden revealed PRISM scandal, in which digital communicating people around the world are monitored and the big Internet giants, such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook are involved in, stoking the fear of unwanted data access in Germany. BeamYourScreen GmbH also…


It is alone in the Hand of the SAP, the timing to control, to delay, to ask questions to and finally their legitimate interests”in danger. Purchaser and second purchaser is to the extent that imposed a considerable legal uncertainty, also I BGB represents an unreasonable disadvantage within the meaning of…


Soundproof, acoustical materials (offered by Acoustic Materials, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Chuvashia (Cheboksary), Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov region) are mainly used in anti-vibration lining of production facilities and technical devices that require lower power and noise to create the best conditions for hearing and improve the acoustic properties of spaces of…

Penogazobeton Material

Many dream of a comfortable, beautiful and safe home. In today's world wide popularity gets penogazobeton. The construction of interior partitions, construction and installation of exterior walls, with the use of such material, carry a number of advantages. These homes maintain optimum thermal conditions at any time of year. Also,…

Amino Acids

The mechanism of action. L-arginine, as well as other amino acids, the building material from which the body synthesizes proteins, hormones, enzymes. Getting on the mucous membrane of genitals, menthol increases vsasyvanieL-arginine, which providing local effect, promotes healing and restoration of its cells. Then, being soaked and getting into the…

Calcium Channel Blockers

The mechanism of action of calcium channel blockers calcium ions are necessary to maintain heart function. Proceeding into the cell, calcium ions activate metabolic processes, increases oxygen consumption, causing reduction muscles, increase irritability and conductivity. In cell Ca2 + ions enter through the ion-slektivnye calcium channels, which are located in…