Start A Business Or How To Avoid Mistakes

There is a category of people for whom an active position in life is a fundamental principle of being. They do not carry organically depending on the circumstances, human whim and political situation in the country. These people – entrepreneurs. It does not matter what they do at a particular…

Speaking Roses

A pioneer in our country has become the company "Speaking Roses." Special requirements for the conduct of the business there. No specific activities also do not need to register as you render services to the public. Buying a ready-made business solution, you become the sole holder of the right to…

Asia – The World Leader In Production And Consumption Of Bisphenol-A

Experts forecast that the British consulting agency Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd., Global growth in demand for bisphenol-A (diphenylolpropane) amount to 6-7% in the next 5 years and will remain at 6% until 2015. YuPri this, as stated in the new research agency Market bisphenol, bisphenol increase in consumption in…