Direct Embryonic Development

In the animals that present direct development the individuals are, then from the birth, very similar to the adult state. After the fecundao, the eggs ranks for the female are presented constituted of: (1) egg yolk or vitelo, that it supplies the necessary nutrients the cellular divisions and the formation…

Biotechnology Projects

STATE UNIVERSITY OF PIAUI-UESPI SUZANA ALINE DAYS YOU WOULD MAKE INTRODUCTION To deal with the pertinent subjects the biotechnology is being of great importance in the present time; therefore, the medias have divulged innumerable discovered attributed to the use of advanced technologies to the biotechnology. The boarding cell-trunk, for example,…


This development, in turn, must enable the pupils to take decisions conscientious (Corazza-Nunes, 2006; Pedrancini et al, 2008; Pedrancini et. al, 2007; Rock and To sound, 2005). Therefore, the school must approach the Science of sistmica form, transdisciplinar and contextualizada, promoting an education that on the basis of makes possible…

National Advice

The goals to reach the sustainable development using residues in the civil construction, must contemplate the recycling and the P&amp methodology; D (Research and Development), being basic for the effective market of the residues. 2. Development the support in the civil construction today is a subject of extreme importance, since…